Awarded Projects

Mississippi Department of Transportation

Awarded $86.65M through through FHWA’s INFRA FY 2025 and FY 2026 Grants

This project on the I-20/I-55 Freight Corridor in Jackson, MS will update seven bridge structures to meet modern design standards, repair an additional 19 bridge structures, deploy Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) equipment, and resurface approximately 32 linear miles of interstate and highway.

Mississippi Department of Transportation

Awarded $40.65M through FHWA’s INFRA FY 2025 Grant

The SR 67 Superstreet Corridor Project will upgrade SR 67 in Harrison County, MS, and will include a comprehensive redesign of 43 intersections and median turns along the route.

Caddo-Bossier Port Commission

Awarded $22.6M through FHWA’s INFRA FY 2025 Grant

The project will make improvements to Stonewall Frierson Road, Robson, and Ellerbe Road to connect to the newly constructed roadway that would eventually serve as the I-69 Corridor Frontage Road. Improvements include extending the roadways, replacing two bridges, and constructing a new bridge.

Lowndes County Port Authority

Awarded $2.94M through the FRA’s FY 2023-2024 CRISI Grant

The East Bank Rail Expansion project will construct 6,700 linear feet of additional track, which will serve as an additional rail spur connecting the port to the Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) line in Lowndes County, Mississippi. The project will improve the efficiency and capacity of the port's existing tenants and operators, provide rail access to additional port properties, and subsequently induce a freight modal shift from trucks to rail and barge.

City of Springfield, OH

Awarded $836K through USDOT’s SS4A FY 2024 Grant

This award will be used by the City of Springfield to develop a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan and to conduct demonstration activities that will provide strategies, policies, and projects informed by innovative technology to improve safety outcomes for travelers on public roads and at at-grade rail crossings throughout the city. The demonstration projects will include installation of acoustic sensors at at-grade crossings and an Emergency Vehicle Preemption pilot.

Bensenville, IL

Awarded $809K through USDOT’s SS4A FY 2024 Grant

This award will be used by Bensenville to conduct a demonstration activity pilot program to explore technology solutions centered around motor vehicle safety and emergency response times for at-grade rail crossings. The demonstration activities will include implementation of ten acoustic sensors near key at-grade rail crossings to provide real-time data and status information.

City of Sanford, FL

Awarded $5M through the EDA’s EAA FY 2024 Grant

The project will construct a seawall around Sanford’s Marina Island and install a Tiger Dam system on Palmetto Avenue, which is the only access road to the Marina Island. The Tiger Dam system will ensure that the employees working on the Marina Island and residents of the Marina Isle Assisted Living Community have an accessible evacuation route during severe weather events. The Marina Island seawall will mitigate flood risks and damage to the Marina Island and supports the redevelopment of Sanford’s downtown business district.

City of LIMA, OH

Awarded $485K through
USDOT’s SS4A FY 2024 Grant

The project will support the planning efforts needed to assemble a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan for the City of Lima. The project also includes the installation of a TRAINFO Crossing Prediction System across ten at-grade crossings within the city, which will record and provide real-time data on the presence of trains at crossings, as well as collect data on railroad trespassings. The data from this project will inform the Comprehensive Safety Action Plan in regard to safety strategies, policies, and projects that address pedestrian and vehicle safety at rail crossings.

City of Starkville, MS

Awarded $20M through
USDOT’s RAISE FY 2024 Grant

The project will reconstruct the eastern end of the corridor from Old West Point to Jackson Street, complete a portion of the streetscape on the western end from Henderson to Long Street, and install pedestrian lighting and street trees for the entire length of the project area. This phase of the revitalization of the corridor will also increase pedestrian safety and transportation choices by improving roadway and intersection designs and adding safe bicycle facilities, including new ADA-designed sidewalks and bike lanes. The project will also improve the aging and deteriorating stormwater facilities.

City of Natchez, MS

Awarded $24.57M through
USDOT’s FY RAISE 2024 Grant

The project will increase accessibility and visibility in the city's most prominent areas of its historic downtown and protect non-motorized travelers by updating and adding pedestrian infrastructure. It will add sidewalks, wayfinding, traffic calming measures, urban trees, multi-use paths, improved lighting, green space, permeable pavers, shade trees, and mobility hubs to several corridors near downtown Natchez. The new infrastructure will improve public health by increasing active transportation trips.

City of Pascagoula, MS

Awarded $1M through USDOT’s RAISE FY 2024 Grant

The project will support planning efforts for Complete Streets along Market Street, 14th Street, Old Mobile Highway, and Ingalls Ave. This plan will include the addition of bike lanes, sidewalk network improvements, other pedestrian amenities, access management improvements, and upgrades to water, wastewater, and broadband infrastructure. The project is anticipated to reduce injury and fatal crash rates by approximately 25-31 percent and will increase affordable transportation choices by improving and expanding active transportation usage to reduce vehicle dependence.

Mississippi Department of Transportation

Bienville Boulevard/Scott Pruitt Memorial Highway Multi-Use Path

Awarded $9.7M through the Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Program (RCN)

The Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) was awarded funding for the construction of an 8.75-mile Multi-Use Path on the north side of US 90 from Ocean Springs to Gautier in Jackson County, MS. The Multi-Use Path will be constructed in conjunction with a roadway improvement project for US 90. The MDOT is currently in the process of adding the US 90 improvement project and the adjoining Multi-Use Path to the Gulf Regional Planning Commission (GRPC) Transportation Improvement Plan. The Multi-Use Path provides safe new connectivity both within Ocean Springs and Gautier proper, as well as to each other.

City of Hattiesburg, MS

Appropriated $3M through through Congressionally Directed Spending for FY2024

The City of Hattiesburg received an additional $3M in federal funding to assist in covering exorbitant inflation-related cost increases on the Hall Avenue West Overpass component of the Hattiesburg Downtown Railroad Innovation project. This funding will ensure that the project can continue construction on schedule, and it is expected to be completed by 2025.

Rosedale-Bolivar County Port Commission

Appropriated $8.17M through Congressionally Directed Spending for FY2024

This project will restore functionality to approximately 9.6 miles of the embargoed 32-mile Great River Railroad at the Port of Rosedale. NEPA for this project will be performed under a FY23 PIDP grant award, which includes the relocation and reconstruction of loading conveyors at the port which will provide multimodal loading capabilities. The restoration of the railroad will increase economic opportunities, reduce transportation delays and costs for agricultural products and other commodities, reduce crash risks by reducing the number of freight trucks on nearby highways, and reduce emissions generate by freight traffic. The Great River Railroad will provide access to a class 1 railroad network once the fully restored.

City of Columbia, MS

Awarded $300K through through the Patrick F. Taylor Trust Fund for FY2024

The City of Columbia through it’s non-profit partner Columbia Strong will match a $300,000 grant award with $250,000 in local funding to reinvasion Friendship Park. The new playground will utilize durable materials such as Roto-molded plastic, includes accessibility and inclusivity features, and the new designs feature Safety Surfacing and Critical Heights appropriate for children to reduce injuries. The use of ground ramps, sensory areas, and social play areas will allow disabled children to enjoy the playground. Turf and rubber surfacing will increase safety by providing shock absorption, traction, and water drainage to minimize the risk of injury resulting from slips and falls. The restoration of Friendship Park will strengthen the sense of community and provide a high-quality community asset for families and visitors to the city.

City of Horn Lake, MS

Awarded $800K through
USDOT SS4A 2023 Grant

Grant funds will be used to fund additional planning activities focused on improving safety for non-motorized travelers in the City of Horn Lake. This supplemental planning will support the Memphis Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Mid-South Safety Action Plan. The project includes a pedestrian infrastructure safety inventory and analysis, Stakeholder equity engagement and collaboration, Facility, policy, and process recommendations. Once completed, the final safety plan will include identified projects and a priority ranking for each identified project based on improving safety outcomes and increasing mobility for non-motorized travelers across the city.

Rosedale-Bolivar County Port Commission

Awarded $8.7M through MARAD PIDP 2023 Grant

The project includes the relocation and reconstruction of an inbound loading conveyor, the rehabilitation of an outbound conveyor on a new tower rather than a floating platform, and the environmental due diligence for restoring the embargoed Great River Railroad. The condition and location of the existing conveyors severely limits the port’s efficiency, causing harm to farmers, the agricultural industry, and manufacturing operations in the surrounding regions of the Mississippi Delta. These improvements will increase the port’s capacity for transloading between barges, trucks, and storage and provides the ability to transload cargo between barges and railcars. Once completed, the restoration of the Great River Railroad will expand the port’s shipping options and connects the port to the Canadian National Railroad.

Town of Gloster, MS

Awarded $52M through
FRA CRISI 2022 Grant

The project will reestablish rail service, which was discontinued in 2009, on a nearly 35-mile segment of Gloster Southern Railroad. It will reconnect rural businesses in a historically disadvantaged region of Mississippi and Louisiana to the national freight network. The project will entail final design, right of way acquisition, and construction activities for various track-related improvements, upgrades to certain grade crossings, and rehabilitation of multiple bridges and culverts. The 20% non-federal matching fund requirement will be met by Gloster Southern Railroad’s private partners, Claw Forestry Services, LLC and Tatum Gravel, LLC. The project will directly support Claw Forestry’s new sawmill in Amite County, which will employ over 130 employees.

City of Laurel, MS

Awarded $24.8M through USDOT RAISE 2023 Grant

The project will improve the current transportation network along the northern edge of downtown Laurel, through improvements along the East/West spine of 5th Street, Sawmill Road, Magnolia Street, and Teresa Street. The project includes replacing unsafe, disjointed, crumbling, unappealing, and antiquated streets that are dangerous for vehicles and pedestrians, as well as the reconstruction of several roadways, a new roundabout, lighting improvements, landscaped medians, new ADA-compliant sidewalks, and new lane markings.

Photo Source: Erin Napier |

Downtown Meridian, MS

City of Meridian, MS

Awarded $3.5M through
USDOT RAISE 2023 Grant

The project will support planning efforts for improvements along a nearly seven-mile section of North Hills Street between Mississippi Highway 19 and the city limits east of MS Highway 39. The project includes planning, preliminary engineering, and design for widening roads, adding pedestrian and bicycle facilities, creating turn lanes, reconfiguring and realigning existing intersections, installing traffic signals, rehabilitating the existing pavement, and establishing retaining walls along North Hills Street.

City of Hattiesburg, MS

Awarded $240K through FHWA SS4A Grant

The project will support the planning efforts needed to assemble a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan for the City of Hattiesburg. This plan includes an updated analysis of crashes and related trends throughout the city limits, public engagement, collaboration, and equity considerations with stakeholders and residents, and transparency reporting regarding how the plan is assembled. The final outcome of this project will be a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan that will include recommended roadway improvements, traffic control changes, and public safety campaigns that will improve safety for motorists and pedestrians throughout the city.

City of Ripley, MS

Awarded $1.4M through USDOT RAISE 2022 Grant

The funding awarded to the City of Ripley in conjunction with the Tippah County Development Foundation will cover planning phase activities to extend the Tanglefoot Trail by approximately 20 miles. This extension would start at the head of the existing 43-mile Tanglefoot Trail and would connect the cities of Ripley and Blue Mountain to the rest of the trail. The extension would be built as a “Rails-with-Trails” concept, running along the course of the Class III Mississippi Central Railroad operated by Pioneer Lines.

City of Aberdeen, MS

Awarded $4M through MARAD PIDP 2021 Grant

$4 million to construct rail from the nearby Kansas City-Southern (KCS) Railroad to its area of port operations. This 14,000-linear-feet rail spur would allow local chemical and manufacturers along the KCS railroad to move products by barge through the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway. The rail spur would allow the port to offer multi-modal services by connecting it to Class I rail. KCS has agreed to operate the rail spur once constructed.

City of Jackson, MS

Awarded $20M through USDOT RAISE 2021 Grant

The project will reconstruct a 1.5-mile section of Medgar Evers Boulevard from Woodrow Wilson Avenue to the south and to Coleman Avenue to the north. The former highway will be redesigned as a multimodal, complete street, featuring cool pavement drive lanes, sidewalks, transit stops and amenities, landscaped medians, energy-efficient streetlights, new water lines, and sustainable drainage improvements.

City of Hattiesburg, MS

Awarded $13.22M through USDOT BUILD 2020 Grant

The project consists of the construction of an overpass on the western portion of Hall Avenue, improvements to the connecting roadway, and a roundabout at the intersection of Hall Avenue, James Street, and Bay Street. The project is the second phase of the city’s plan to construct a new downtown route along Hall Avenue that would relieve road congestion and traffic delays because of frequent rail traffic. Along with $5.39M from a previous CRISI grant award, this project will create a grade-separated route through Downtown Hattiesburg.

City of Hattiesburg, MS

Awarded $5.39M through FRA CRISI 2019 Grant Program

The project consists of three components: a grade separation over the Canadian National north-south rail line; a new spur/connection track to improve freight movements in and out of a Norfolk Southern rail yard to reduce blocked crossings; and innovative ways to notify drivers via dynamic message signs and mobile mapping applications about blocked crossings and the presence of trains so that drivers may re-route.

Mississippi Port Authority

Awarded $15.76M through MARAD PIDP 2019 Grant

The total cost is expected to be $19.7 million, with a local match of $3.94 million by the Mississippi State Port Authority, which was awarded the grant as part of the MARAD’s Port Infrastructure Development Program.

Alabama Department of Transportation

Awarded $10.8M from FHWA CHBP 2018 Grant

The project will replace three sets of twin bridges in Opelika, AL., along I-85 at exit 60. This section of highway provides a link between Montgomery, AL., and Atlanta, Ga. This section of I-85 provides access to Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia, Hyundai Assembly and several other automobile assembly plants throughout the southeastern United States.